Standard IEC/TS 60034-16-3-ed.1.0 14.2.1996 preview

IEC/TS 60034-16-3-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 16: Excitation systems for synchronous machines - Section 3: Dynamic performance

STANDARD published on 14.2.1996

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price151.10 USD excl. VAT
151.10 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC/TS 60034-16-3-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 14.2.1996
SKU: NS-407983
The number of pages: 33
Approximate weight : 99 g (0.22 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Rotating machinery in general

Annotation of standard text IEC/TS 60034-16-3-ed.1.0 :

Briefly reviews the methods available for investigating the response characteristics of the synchronous machine with its closed-loop excitation control This publication has the status of a technical report type 2 Passe brievement en revue les methodes existantes pour letude des caracteristiques de reponse de la machine synchrone avec son controle dexcitation en boucle fermee Cette publication a le statut dun rapport technique de type2

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