Standard ISO/IEC 9995-3-ed.3.0 13.8.2010 preview

ISO/IEC 9995-3-ed.3.0

Information technology - Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 3: Complementary layouts of the alphanumeric zone of the alphanumeric section

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STANDARD published on 13.8.2010

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Price88.60 USD excl. VAT
88.60 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ISO/IEC 9995-3-ed.3.0
Publication date standards: 13.8.2010
SKU: NS-943110
The number of pages: 12
Approximate weight : 36 g (0.08 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards ISO

The category - similar standards:

IT terminal and other peripheral equipment

Annotation of standard text ISO/IEC 9995-3-ed.3.0 :

ISO/IEC 9995 defines a framework for the layout of all alphanumeric and numeric keyboards across the widest spectrum of todays and upcoming applications using keyboards. The functions to be performed by keyboards are grouped into three categories that correspond to the main physical sections of the keyboard. Application of ISO/IEC 9995 in the design of keyboards will provide the user with a unified, predictable user-machine interface by dividing the keyboard into functional areas and sections and allocating functions to keys. lSO/IEC 9995-3:2010 defines the allocation on a keyboard of a set of graphic characters which, when used in combination with an existing national version keyboard layout or the complementary Latin group layout as defined in ISO/IEC 9995-3:2010, allows the input of a minimum character repertoire as defined by collection 281 (MES-1) specified in ISO/IEC 10646 and proposes extensions of this minimum repertoire. LISO/CEI 9995 definit un cadre pour la disposition de tous les claviers alphanumeriques et numeriques a travers le spectre le plus etendu des applications actuelles et futures utilisant les claviers. Les fonctions a executer par les claviers sont groupees en trois categories correspondant aux modules physiques principaux du clavier. Lapplication de lISO/CEI 9995 a la conception des claviers fournira a lutilisateur une interface machine-utilisateur unifiee et previsible, en divisant le clavier en zones et modules fonctionnels et en allouant des fonctions daffectation aux touches. LISO/CEI 9995-3:2010 decrit laffectation sur le clavier dun ensemble de caracteres graphiques qui, lorsquils sont utilises de pair avec une disposition nationale de clavier existante ou avec une disposition complementaire du groupe latin definie dans lISO/CEI 9995-3:2010 , permettent la saisie dun repertoire minimal de caracteres graphiques defini par la collection 281 (MES-1) specifiee dans lISO/CEI 10646 et propose des extensions a ce repertoire minimal.

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