Standard ISO/IEC 9995-9-ed.1.0 28.9.2016 preview

ISO/IEC 9995-9-ed.1.0

Information technology - Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 9: Multi-lingual, multiscript keyboard layouts

Translate name

STANDARD published on 28.9.2016

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Price301.10 USD excl. VAT
301.10 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ISO/IEC 9995-9-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 28.9.2016
SKU: NS-943116
The number of pages: 99
Approximate weight : 328 g (0.72 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards ISO

The category - similar standards:

IT terminal and other peripheral equipment

Annotation of standard text ISO/IEC 9995-9-ed.1.0 :

Within the general scope described in ISO/IEC 9995-1, ISO 9995-9:2016 defines the allocation on a keyboard of a set of graphic characters which, when used in combination with an existing national version keyboard layout, allows the input of a minimum character repertoire as defined herein. This repertoire is intended to address all characters needed to write all contemporary languages using the Latin script, together with standardized Latin transliterations of some major languages using other scripts. It also contains all symbols and punctuation marks contained in ISO 8859-1, together with some selected other ones commonly used in typography and office use. It also addresses characters of some other scripts (Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew) to the same extent (in the case of Cyrillic, leaving out some minority languages of the Russian Federation which have only a few hundred speakers left). It provides means to include other scripts (e.g. Arabic, Devanagari) in future versions of ISO 9995-9:2016 (e.g. by amendments). Furthermore, it addresses the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). ISO 9995-9:2016 is primarily intended for word-processing and text-processing applications, to be used with full-sized keyboards as well as with miniature keyboards found on mobile devices ("smartphones" or handheld computers), especially ones which have only keys for the 26 basic Latin letters but no dedicated keys for digits. Dans le domaine dapplication general de la partie 1 de lISO/IEC 9995, ISO 9995-9:2016 decrit laffectation sur le clavier dun ensemble de caracteres graphiques qui, lorsquils sont utilises de pair avec une disposition nationale de clavier existante, permettent la saisie dun repertoire de caracteres minimal tel que defini ci-dessous. Ce repertoire est destine a referencer tous les caracteres necessaires pour ecrire la totalite des langues contemporaines utilisant lecriture latine, ainsi que des translitterations latines normalisees de certaines langues majeures utilisant dautres ecritures. De plus, il contient tous les symboles et les signes de ponctuation contenus dans lISO 8859-1, ainsi que certains autres symboles communement utilises en typographie et bureautique. Il reference egalement les caracteres de certaines autres ecritures (grecque, cyrillique, armenienne, georgienne, hebraique) dans la meme mesure (a lexception pour le cyrillique de certaines langues minoritaires de la Federation de Russie pour lesquelles il ne reste quune centaine de locuteurs). Il donne les moyens dinclure dautres ecritures (par exemple arabe, devanagari) dans des versions futures de la presente norme (par exemple par des amendements). Enfin, il inclut lAlphabet Phonetique International (API). ISO 9995-9:2016 est principalement destinee aux applications de traitement de texte, pour etre utilisee a la fois avec les claviers complets et avec les claviers miniatures des appareils mobiles (tels que les « telephones intelligents » ou les ordinateurs de poche), en particulier ceux qui ne disposent que de touches dediees aux 26 lettres latines de base, sans touches dediees aux chiffres.

These changes apply to this standard:

ISO/IEC 9995-9-ed.1.0/Amd.1 Change

Information technology - Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 9: Multi-lingual, multiscript keyboard layouts - Amendment 1

Change published on 24.9.2019

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Show all technical information.
24.50 USD


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