Standard STN 260372 1.11.2000 preview

STN 260372 (260372)

Conveyor belts with textile carcass. Determination of fire resistance of conveyor belts with textile carcass.

STANDARD published on 1.11.2000

AvailabilityThe sale has ended

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: STN 260372
Classification mark: 260372
Catalog number: 79207
Publication date standards: 1.11.2000
SKU: NS-493483
The number of pages: 12
Approximate weight : 36 g (0.08 lbs)
Country: Slovak technical standard
Category: Technical standards STN

The category - similar standards:

Protection against fire in generalConveyors

Annotation of standard text STN 260372 (260372):

Táto norma opisuje skúšky na stanovenie požiarnych charakteristík dopravných pásov s textilnou kostrou s krycími vrstvami z gumy alebo polyvinylchloridu určených na použitie v podzemí.

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