Standard STN 331345 1.10.1992 preview

STN 331345 (331345)

Electrical engineering regulations. Regulations for attendance and operation - Testing stations

STANDARD published on 1.10.1992

AvailabilityThe sale has ended

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: STN 331345
Classification mark: 331345
Catalog number: 57675
Publication date standards: 1.10.1992
SKU: NS-494294
The number of pages: 20
Approximate weight : 60 g (0.13 lbs)
Country: Slovak technical standard
Category: Technical standards STN

We recommend simillar standard:!

ČSN 331345 (01.10.1992)

The category - similar standards:

Electrical engineering in general

Annotation of standard text STN 331345 (331345):

Tato norma pridruzena k CSN 34 3100 doplnuje zakladni bezpecnostni predpisy kmenove normy podrobnymi ustanovenimi pro obsluhu a praci ve zkusebnich prostorech. Plati i pro zrizovani a opravarenske zarizeni, ktere co do provedeni a funkce odpovidaji zkusebnim zarizenim. Ustanoveni teto normy neni treba dodrzovat, pokud dotyk casti pod napetim neni nebezpecny. Kdy tomu tak je stanovi CSN 34 1010. Pokud tato norma neobsahuje zadne dalsi ustanoveni, plati pro zrizovani elektrickych zkusebnich zarizeni prislusne predpisove a predmetove normy CSN , napr. CSN 33 1310, CSN 33 2000, CSN 33 2130, CSN 33 2180, CSN 33 2190, CSN 33 2200.

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