Standard STN EN 512 1.1.1999 preview

STN EN 512 (722906)

Fibre. Cement products. Pressure pipes and joints

STANDARD published on 1.1.1999

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The information about the standard:

Designation standards: STN EN 512
Classification mark: 722906
Catalog number: 12930
Publication date standards: 1.1.1999
SKU: NS-524833
The number of pages: 28
Approximate weight : 84 g (0.19 lbs)
Country: Slovak technical standard
Category: Technical standards STN

We recommend simillar standard:!

ČSN EN 512 (01.01.1997)

Annotation of standard text STN EN 512 (722906):

Táto norma stanovuje vlastnosti vláknocementových rúr a spojov na použitie pod tlakom na vedenie pitnej vody, vody, ktorá nie je pitná a odpadovej vody.

These changes apply to this standard:

STN EN 512:1999/A1 (722906) Change

Change published on 1.9.2002

Selected format:
Slovak -
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