Standard STN EN 61073-1 1.12.2009 preview

STN EN 61073-1 (359261)

Optovláknové spájacie prvky a pasívne súčiastky. Mechanické spoje a ochrany zváraných spojov pre optické vlákna a káble. Časť 1: Kmeňová špecifikácia (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Automatically translated name:

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Mechanical joints and protection of welded joints for optical fibers and cables. Part 1: Generic specification (IEC STN).

STANDARD published on 1.12.2009

AvailabilityThe sale has ended

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: STN EN 61073-1
Classification mark: 359261
Catalog number: 109747
Publication date standards: 1.12.2009
SKU: NS-529445
The number of pages: 26
Approximate weight : 78 g (0.17 lbs)
Country: Slovak technical standard
Category: Technical standards STN

We recommend simillar standard:!

ČSN EN 61073-1 (01.01.2001)

The category - similar standards:

Fibre optic interconnecting devices

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