Standard TNI IEC/TR3 61360-3 1.3.2002 preview

TNI IEC/TR3 61360-3 (013720)

Typy normalizovaných dátových prvkov s klasifikačnou schémou elektrických komponentov. Časť 3: Postupy na udržiavanie a overovanie platnosti (Súčasťou normy je národný predhovor a znenie normy je v pôvodnom jazyku).

Automatically translated name:

Types of standardized data elements with the classification scheme of electrical components. Part 3: Procedures for the maintenance and validation (The standard is the original text of the standard is in the original language).

STANDARD published on 1.3.2002

AvailabilityThe sale has ended

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: TNI IEC/TR3 61360-3
Classification mark: 013720
Publication date standards: 1.3.2002
SKU: NS-549649
Approximate weight : 300 g (0.66 lbs)
Country: Slovak technical standard
Category: Technical standards TNI - Slovak

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