Standard UIC B106/RP13-1ed. 1.1.1900 preview

UIC B106/RP13-1ed.

Standardisation of blockbraked solid wheel (tread diamter 930 mm) designed for coaches operated at a maximum speed of 160 km/h. Measurement of stresses and loads in service

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Availabilityin 7 working days
Price373.30 USD excl. VAT
373.30 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: UIC B106/RP13-1ed.
SKU: NS-1189957
Approximate weight : 300 g (0.66 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards UIC

Annotation of standard text UIC B106/RP13-1ed. :


Standardisierung eines klotzgebremsten Vollrades (Laufkreisdruchmesser 920 mm) für Reisezugwagen mit einer Höchstge schwindigkeit von 160 km/h Messung der Spannungen und Bean spruchungen im Betrieb

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