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VDE - German association for electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies was founded as early as 1893. It supports modern education for professionals and high acceptance by people. It supports development of electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies and related technologies.
The main task of the association lies in safety in electrotechnics, elaboration of respected technical rules such as national and international standards, tests and certification of equipment and systems.
American version of VDE standards is marked as UL standard (Underwriters Laboratories).
VDE 0390-3. Superconductivity - Part 3: Critical current measurement; dc critical current of Ag-sheathed Bi-2212- and Bi-2223 oxide superconductors.
(VDE 0390-3. Supraleitfähigkeit - Teil 3: Messen des kritischen Stromes; Kritischer Strom (Gleichstrom) von Ag-ummantelten oxidischen Bi-2212- und Bi-2223-Supraleitern.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.1999
Selected format:
VDE 0390-4. Superconductivity - Part 4: Residual resistance ratio measurement; residial resistance ratio of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductors.
(VDE 0390-4. Supraleitfähigkeit - Teil 4: Messung des Restwiderstandsverhältnisses; Spezifischer Widerstand von Cu/Nb-Ti-Verbundsupraleitern.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.5.2000
Selected format:
VDE 0390-7. Superconductivity - Part 7: Electronic characteristic measurement; Surface resistance of superconductors at microwave frequencies.
(VDE 0390-7. Supraleitung - Teil 7: Elektronische Messungen zur Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften; Oberflächenwiderstand von Supraleitern bei Mikrowellenfrequenzen.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.6.2000
Selected format:
VDE 0860. Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and related apparatus for household and similar general use - Revision of IEC 60065.
(VDE 0860. Sicherheitsbestimmungen für netzbetriebene elektronische Geräte und deren Zubehör für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche allgemeine Anwendung - Überarbeitung der IEC 60065.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.11.1994
Selected format:
VDE 0860. Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and related apparatus for household and similar general use - Revision of IEC 65.
(VDE 0860. Sicherheitsbestimmungen für netzbetriebene elektronische Geräte und deren Zubehör für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche allgemeine Anwendungen - Überarbeitung der IEC 65.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.1.1997
Selected format:
VDE 0860. Draft for an Amendment 1 to IEC 60065: Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements.
(VDE 0860. Entwurf einer Änderung 1 zur IEC 60065: Audio-, Video- und ähnliche elektronische Geräte - Sicherheitsbestimmungen.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1997
Selected format:
VDE 0435-2021. Electrical relays; specified-time relays; requirements, tests.
(VDE 0435-2021. Elektrische Relais; Relais mit festgelegtem Zeitverhalten (Zeitrelais); Anforderungen, Prüfungen.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.6.1994
Selected format:
VDE 0435-201. All-or-nothing electrical relays.
(VDE 0435-201. Elektrische Relais.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.4.1996
Selected format:
VDE 0435-140. Electromechanical all-or-nothing relays - Part 5: Insulation coordination.
(VDE 0435-140. Elektromechanische Schaltrelais - Teil 5: Isolationskoordination.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1996
Selected format:
VDE 0435-130. Electrical relays - Insulation coordination for measuring relays - Requirements and tests.
(VDE 0435-130. Elektrische Relais - Isolationskoordination für Messrelais - Anforderungen und Prüfungen.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.10.1995
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-09 (Number of items: 2 231 932)
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