VDE - German standards - Page 2276

Standards VDE - German standards - Page 2276

VDE - German association for electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies was founded as early as 1893. It supports modern education for professionals and high acceptance by people. It supports development of electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies and related technologies.
The main task of the association lies in safety in electrotechnics, elaboration of respected technical rules such as national and international standards, tests and certification of equipment and systems.
American version of VDE standards is marked as UL standard (Underwriters Laboratories).

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E DIN IEC 95/48/CD:1997-02 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0435-3031. Electrical relays - Part 25: Electromagnetic emission tests.
(VDE 0435-3031. Elektrische Relais - Teil 25: Prüfungen der elektromagnetischen Störaussendung.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.2.1997

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E DIN IEC 95/57/CD:1997-11 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0435-3023. Revision of IEC 60255-22-3:1989: Electrical relays - Part 22: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment; Section 3: Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance tests.
(VDE 0435-3023. Überarbeitung von IEC 60255-22-3:1989: Elektrische Relais - Teil 22: Prüfung der elektrischen Störfestigkeit von Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen; Hauptabschnitt 3: Prüfung der Störfestigkeit gegen elektromagnetische Felder.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.11.1997

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E DIN IEC 95/81/CD:2000-03 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0435-3013. Electrical relays - Part 3: Single input energizing quantity measuring relays with dependent or independent time.
(VDE 0435-3013. Elektrische Relais - Teil 3: Meßrelais mit einer Eingangsgröße und abhängiger oder unabhängiger Zeitkennlinie.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.2000

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E DIN IEC 95/88/CD:2000-05 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0435-3024. Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-4: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment; fast transient/burst imunity test.
(VDE 0435-3024. Elektrische Relais - Teil 22-4: Prüfungen der elektrischen Störfestigkeit von Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen; Prüfung der Störfestigkeit gegen schnelle transiente elektrische Störgrössen/Burst.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.5.2000

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E DIN IEC 95/89/CD:2000-05 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0435-3027. Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 22-7: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment; power frequency imunity test.
(VDE 0435-3027. Elektrische Relais - Teil 22-7: Prüfungen der elektrischen Störfestigkeit von Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen; Prüfung der Störfestigkeit gegen netzfrequente Störgrössen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.5.2000

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E DIN IEC 95/99/CD:2001-01 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0435-320. Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment - Part 26: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment.
(VDE 0435-320. Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen - Teil 26: Anforderungen an die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit für Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.1.2001

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E DIN IEC 96/104/CD:1998-02 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0570-2-20. Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for small reactors.
(VDE 0570-2-20. Sicherheit von Transformatoren, Netzgeräten und dergleichen - Teil 2-20: Besondere Anforderungen an Kleindrosseln.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.2.1998

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E DIN IEC 96/105/CD:1998-03 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0570-10. Small power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - EMC requirements.
(VDE 0570-10. Sicherheit von Transformatoren, Netzgeräten und dergleichen - EMV-Anforderungen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.1998

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E DIN IEC 96/126/CD-V:1999-02 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0570-2-12. Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for constant voltage transformers.
(VDE 0570-2-12. Sicherheit von Transformatoren, Netzgeräten und dergleichen - Teil 2-12: Besondere Anforderungen an magnetische Spannungskonstanthalter.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.2.1999

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E DIN IEC 96/150/CD:2000-09 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0570-2-14. Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for variable transformers.
(VDE 0570-2-14. Sicherheit von Transformatoren, Netzgeräten und dergleichen - Teil 2-14: Besondere Anforderungen an Stelltransformatoren.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.9.2000

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German -
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