VDI - German standards - Page 15

Standards VDI - German standards - Page 15

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.

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VDI 2100Blatt5

Ambient air - Determination of volatile organic compounds, especially ozone precursors - Gas chromatography method.
(Außenluft - Messen von leicht flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen, insbesondere Ozonvorläufersubstanzen - Gaschromatografisches Verfahren.)

Standard published on 1.2.2020

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252.20 USD

VDI 2100Blatt6

Determination of gaseous compounds in ambient air - Determination of indoor air pollutants - Gas chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Practical instructions for the determination of the measurement uncertainty.
(Messen gasförmiger Verbindungen in der Außenluft - Messen von Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Gaschromatografische Bestimmung organischer Verbindungen - Praktische Anleitung zur Bestimmungder Messunsicherheit.)

Standard published on 1.12.2010

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237.50 USD

VDI 2102Blatt1

Emission control - Secondary copper smelting and refining plants.
(Emissionsminderung - Sekundärkupferhütten.)

Standard published on 1.12.2007

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187.70 USD

VDI 2102Blatt2

Emission control - Copper and copper alloy melting plants.
(Emissionsminderung - Kupfer- und Kupferlegierungsschmelzanlagen.)

Standard published on 1.4.2013

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252.20 USD

VDI 2105

Emissions reduction - Flare systems.
(Emissionsminderung - Fackelanlagen.)

Standard published on 1.10.2022

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265.50 USD

VDI 2119

Ambient air measurements - Sampling of atmospheric particles > 2,5 µm on an acceptor surface using the Sigma-2 passive sampler - Characterisation by optical microscopy and calculation of number settling rate and mass concentration.
(Messen von Immissionen - Probenahme von atmosphärischen Partikeln > 2,5 µm auf einer Akzeptorfläche mit dem Passivsammler Sigma-2 - Lichtmikroskopische Charakterisierung sowie Berechnung der Anzahlsedimentationsrate und der Massenkonzentration.)

Standard published on 1.6.2013

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187.70 USD

VDI 2121

Motion transmission through four-member plane articulated gearboxes - Dimensional synthesis for general layer assignments - Gear unit designs with two swivel joints at the coupling link.
(Bewegungsübertragung durch viergliedrige ebene Gelenkgetriebe - Maßsynthese für allgemeine Lagenzuordnungen - Getriebebauformen mit zwei Drehgelenken am Koppelglied.)

Standard published on 1.2.2021

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154.20 USD

VDI 2122

Motion transmission through four-member plane articulated gearboxes - Dimensional synthesis for general layer assignments - Gear unit designs with one swivel joint and one prismatic joint at the coupling link.
(Bewegungsübertragung durch viergliedrige ebene Gelenkgetriebe - Maßsynthese für allgemeine Lagenzuordnungen - Getriebebauformen mit einem Drehgelenk und einem Schubgelenk am Koppelglied.)

Standard published on 1.4.2023

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162.00 USD

VDI 2123

Planar mechanisms - Transfer of an input rocker motion into an output rocker motion with regard to optimum transmission angle.
(Ebene Gelenkgetriebe - Übertragungsgünstige Umwandlung einer Antriebs-Drehschwingbewegung in eine Abtriebs-Drehschwingbewegung.)

Standard published on 1.2.2024

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149.00 USD

VDI 2125

Planar mechanisms - Transfer of a slider motion into a rocker motion with regard to optimum transmission angle.
(Ebene Gelenkgetriebe - Übertragungsgünstigste Umwandlung einer Schubschwing- in eine Drehschwingbewegung.)

Standard published on 1.4.2016

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110.00 USD


Entries shown from 140 to 150 out of a total of 4835 entries.

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