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The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.
Methodical selection of solid connections - Systematic, design catalogues, assistance for work.
(Methodische Auswahl fester Verbindungen - Systematik, Konstruktionskataloge, Arbeitshilfen.)
Standard published on 1.1.2004
Selected format:
Basic economical information for design engineers.
(Wirtschaftliche Grundlagen für den Konstrukteur.)
Standard published on 1.1.1990
Selected format:
Economical decisions during design engineering process; methods and equipment.
(Wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen beim Konstruieren; Methoden und Hilfen.)
Standard published on 1.10.1987
Selected format:
Shaft couplings; systematic classification according to their properties.
(Wellenkupplungen; Systematische Einteilung nach ihren Eigenschaften.)
Standard published on 1.6.1971
Selected format:
Friction clutches and brakes; vocabulary, types, characteristic data, calculations.
(Schaltbare fremdbetätigte Reibkupplungen und -bremsen; Begriffe, Bauarten, Kennwerte, Berechnungen.)
Standard published on 1.6.1982
Selected format:
Friction clutches and brakes; typ related properties, criteria for selection, examples of calculations.
(Schaltbare fremdbetätigte Reibkupplungen und -bremsen; Systembezogene Eigenschaften, Auswahlkriterien, Berechnungsbeispiele.)
Standard published on 1.9.1984
Selected format:
Recycling-oriented product development.
(Recyclingorientierte Produktentwicklung.)
Standard published on 1.7.2002
Selected format:
Design of safe equipment and machinery.
(Konstruieren sicherheitgerechter Erzeugnisse.)
Standard published on 1.5.1988
Selected format:
Designing maintainable engineered products - Basic principles.
(Konstruieren instandhaltungsgerechter technischer Erzeugnisse - Grundlagen.)
Standard published on 1.3.2001
Selected format:
Designing maintainable engineered products - Requirements catalog.
(Konstruieren instandhaltungsgerechter technischer Erzeugnisse - Anforderungskatalog.)
Standard published on 1.3.2001
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-18 (Number of items: 2 233 643)
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