VDI - German standards - Page 24

Standards VDI - German standards - Page 24

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.

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VDI 2248Blatt1

Product development using shape memory alloys (SMA) - Basics and application examples.
(Produktentwicklung mit Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) - Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele.)

Standard published on 1.9.2019

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110.20 USD

VDI 2248Blatt2

Product development using shape memory alloys (SMA) - Material selection and nomenclature.
(Produktentwicklung mit Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) - Werkstoffauswahl und Nomenklatur.)

Standard published on 1.9.2019

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142.70 USD

VDI 2248Blatt3

Product development using shape memory alloys (SMA) - Test- and measurement methods.
(Produktentwicklung mit Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) - Prüf- und Messmethoden.)

Standard published on 1.9.2019

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171.30 USD

VDI 2248Blatt4

Product development using shape memory alloys (SMA) - Simulation and model development.
(Produktentwicklung mit Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) - Simulation und Modellentwicklung.)

Standard published on 1.9.2019

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128.80 USD

VDI 2248Blatt5

Product development using shape memory alloys (SMA) - Development methods.
(Produktentwicklung mit Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) - Entwicklungsmethodik.)

Standard published on 1.9.2019

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213.60 USD

VDI/VDE 2251Blatt1.1

Bolted joints - Tensioned joints - Precision engineering components.
(Schraubverbindungen - Spannverbindungen - Feinwerkelemente.)

Standard published on 1.2.2016

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100.90 USD

VDI/VDE 2251Blatt1.2

Spring, wedge, and force joints - Tensioned joints - Precision engineering components.
(Feder-, Keil- und Pressverbindungen - Spannverbindungen - Feinwerkelemente.)

Standard published on 1.6.2019

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88.80 USD

VDI/VDE 2251Blatt3

Precision engineering components - Solder connections.
(Feinwerkelemente - Lötverbindungen.)

Standard published on 1.9.1998

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119.60 USD

VDI/VDE 2251Blatt8

Precision engineering components - Adhesive connections.
(Feinwerkelemente - Klebeverbindungen.)

Standard published on 1.9.2007

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100.90 USD

VDI/VDE 2252Blatt6

Precision engineering components; guides; gas-, magnetic- and hydraulic bearings.
(Feinwerkelemente; Führungen; Gas-, Magnet- und Schwimmlager.)

Standard published on 1.10.1985

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110.20 USD


Entries shown from 230 to 240 out of a total of 4835 entries.

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