VDI - German standards - Page 8

Standards VDI - German standards - Page 8

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.

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VDI 2067Blatt12

Economic efficiency of building installations - Effective energy demands for heating drinking water.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Nutzenergiebedarf für die Trinkwassererwärmung.)

Standard published on 1.4.2017

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76.00 USD

VDI 2067Blatt20

Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort of benefit transfer for water heating systems.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Energieaufwand der Nutzenübergabe bei Warmwasserheizungen.)

Standard published on 1.4.2018

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119.40 USD

VDI 2067Blatt21

Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort of benefit transfer - HVAC systems.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Energieaufwand der Nutzenübergabe - Raumlufttechnik.)

Standard published on 1.5.2003

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195.40 USD

VDI 2067Blatt22

Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort of benefit transfer for heating drinking water.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Energieaufwand der Nutzenübergabe bei Anlagen zur Trinkwassererwärmung.)

Standard published on 1.5.2023

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128.50 USD

VDI 2067Blatt30

Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort for distribution.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Energieaufwand der Verteilung.)

Standard published on 1.6.2013

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100.70 USD

VDI 2067Blatt40

Economic efficiency of building services installations - Energy effort for generation.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen - Energieaufwand für die Erzeugung.)

Standard published on 1.12.2013

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187.70 USD

VDI 2067Blatt50

Economic efficiency of construction parts.
(Wirtschaftlichkeit von Bauteilen.)

Standard published on 1.10.2018

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English and German -
Print design (132.60 USD)

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132.60 USD

in 7 working days
VDI-EE 2068

Measurement and calculation method for determining the angle-dependent solar radiation transmission of building enclosures with extended patterns.
(Mess- und Berechnungsverfahren zur Bestimmung der winkelabhängigen solaren Strahlungstransmission von Gebäudeabschlüssen mit ausgedehnten Strukturen.)

Standard published on 1.4.2024

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100.70 USD

VDI 2069

Preventing freezing of water-carrying pipes.
(Verhindern des Einfrierens von Wasser führenden Leitungen.)

Standard published on 1.3.2018

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128.50 USD

VDI 2070

Service water management for buildings and estates.
(Betriebswassermanagement für Gebäude und Liegenschaften.)

Standard published on 1.3.2013

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149.00 USD


Entries shown from 70 to 80 out of a total of 4835 entries.

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