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The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.
Heat transfer station with water/water heat exchangers for continuous-flow water heating/space heat supply.
(Wärmeübergabestation mit Wasser-Wasser-Wärmeübertrager für Durchfluss-Trinkwassererwärmung/Raumwärmeversorgung.)
Standard published on 1.11.2019
Selected format:
Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic circuits.
(Hydraulik in Anlagen der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung - Hydraulische Schaltungen.)
Standard published on 1.5.2014
Selected format:
Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic circuits - Corr. concerning standard VDI 2073 Part 1:2014-05.
(Hydraulik in Anlagen der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung - Hydraulische Schaltungen - Berichtigung zur Richtlinie VDI 2073 Blatt 1:2014-05.)
Correction published on 1.11.2014
Selected format:
Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic balancing.
(Hydraulik in Anlagen der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung - Hydraulischer Abgleich.)
Standard published on 1.2.2024
Selected format:
Hydraulics in building services installations - Trainings.
(Hydraulik in Anlagen der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung - Schulungen.)
Standard published on 1.8.2014
Selected format:
Recycling in the building services.
(Recycling in der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung.)
Standard published on 1.7.2014
Selected format:
Ice sport facilities - Building Services.
(Eissportanlagen - Technische Gebäudeausrüstung.)
Standard published on 1.7.2003
Selected format:
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Water supply systems.
(Verbrauchskostenabrechnung für die Technische Gebäudeausrüstung - Wasserversorgungsanlagen.)
Standard published on 1.8.2023
Selected format:
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Determination of reimbursable costs of heat generation by CHP systems.
(Verbrauchskostenerfassung für die Technische Gebäudeausrüstung - Ermittlung der umlagefähigen Wärmeerzeugungskosten von KWK-Anlagen.)
Standard published on 1.11.2012
Selected format:
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Determination of reimbursable costs of heat generation by CHP systems - Corr. concerning guideline VDI 2077 Part 3.1:2012-11.
(Verbrauchskostenerfassung für die Technische Gebäudeausrüstung - Ermittlung der umlagefähigen Wärmeerzeugungskosten von KWK-Anlagen - Berichtigung zur Richtlinie VDI 2077 Blatt 3.1:2012-11.)
Correction published on 1.10.2013
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-14 (Number of items: 2 232 255)
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