IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1002

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1002

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/ASTM 62885-7-ed.1.1+Amd.1-CSV

Surface cleaning appliances - Part 7: Dry cleaning robots for household or similar use - Methods for measuring the performance
(Appareils de nettoyage des sols - Partie 7: Robots de nettoyage a sec a usage domestique ou analogue - Methodes de mesure de l´aptitude a la fonction)

Standard published on 23.6.2022

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868.80 USD

IEC 62885-8-ed.1.0

Surface cleaning appliances - Part 8: Dry vacuum cleaners for commercial use - Methods for measuring the performance
(Appareils de nettoyage des sols - Partie 8: Aspirateurs a sec a usage commercial - Methodes de mesure de l´aptitude a la fonction)

Standard published on 22.8.2019

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53.10 USD

IEC 62885-9-ed.1.0

Surface cleaning appliances - Part 9: Floor treatment machines with or without traction drive, for commercial use - Methods for measuring the performance
(Appareils de nettoyage de surface - Partie 9: Machines de traitements des sols avec ou sans commande de dispositif de deplacement, a usage commercial - Methodes de mesure de l´aptitude a la fonction)

Standard published on 14.10.2019

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205.60 USD

IEC/TS 62886-ed.1.0

Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Method for measuring electroacoustic performance up to 16 kHz

Standard published on 25.8.2016

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371.40 USD

IEC 62887-ed.1.0

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation systems important to safety - Pressure transmitters: Characteristics and test methods
(Centrales nucleaires de puissance - Systemes d´instrumentation importants pour la surete - Transmetteurs de pression: Caracteristiques et methodes d´essai)

Standard published on 16.5.2018

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265.30 USD

IEC 62888-1-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains - Part 1: General
(Applications ferroviaires - Mesure d’energie a bord des trains - Partie 1: Generalites)

Standard published on 25.1.2018

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205.60 USD

IEC 62888-2-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains - Part 2: Energy measurement
(Applications ferroviaires - Mesure d´energie a bord des trains - Partie 2: Mesure d´energie)

Standard published on 25.1.2018

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510.70 USD

IEC 62888-3-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains - Part 3: Data handling
(Applications ferroviaires - Mesure d´energie a bord des trains - Partie 3: Traitement des donnees)

Standard published on 25.1.2018

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331.60 USD

IEC 62888-4-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains - Part 4: Communication
(Applications ferroviaires - Mesure d´energie a bord des trains - Partie 4: Communications)

Standard published on 25.1.2018

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424.50 USD

IEC 62888-5-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains - Part 5: Conformance test
(Applications ferroviaires - Mesure d´energie a bord des trains – Partie 5: Essai de conformite)

Standard published on 15.8.2018

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205.60 USD


Entries shown from 10010 to 10020 out of a total of 10936 entries.

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