IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1003

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1003

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 62888-6-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains - Part 6: Requirements for purposes other than billing
(Applications ferroviaires - Mesure d´energie a bord des trains - Partie 6: Exigences a des fins autres que la facturation)

Standard published on 16.1.2019

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484.20 USD

IEC 62889-ed.2.0

Digital video interface - Gigabit video interface for multimedia systems
(Interface video numerique - Interface video gigabit pour les systemes multimedias)

Standard published on 6.2.2024

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331.60 USD

IEC 62889-ed.2.0-RLV

Digital video interface - Gigabit video interface for multimedia systems

Standard published on 6.2.2024

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563.70 USD

IEC 62890-ed.1.0

Industrial-process measurement, control and automation - Life-cycle-management for systems and components
(Mesure, commande et automation dans les processus industriels - Gestion du cycle de vie pour systemes et composants)

Standard published on 22.7.2020

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484.20 USD

IEC 62891-ed.1.0

Maximum power point tracking efficiency of grid connected photovoltaic inverters

Standard published on 15.7.2020

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331.60 USD

IEC 62892-ed.1.0

Extended thermal cycling of PV modules - Test procedure
(Cycle thermique etendu de modules PV - Procedure d´essai)

Standard published on 17.4.2019

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152.50 USD

IEC 62893-1-ed.1.0

Charging cables for electric vehicles for rated voltages up to and including 0,6/1 kV - Part 1: General requirements

Standard published on 22.11.2017

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205.60 USD

IEC 62893-1-ed.1.0/Amd.1 Change

Amendment 1 - Charging cables for electric vehicles for rated voltages up to and including 0,6/1 kV - Part 1: General requirements

Change published on 6.11.2020

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13.30 USD

IEC 62893-1-ed.1.1+Amd.1-CSV

Charging cables for electric vehicles for rated voltages up to and including 0,6/1 kV - Part 1: General requirements

Standard published on 6.11.2020

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378.00 USD

IEC 62893-2-ed.1.0

Charging cables for electric vehicles for rated voltages up to and including 0,6/1 kV - Part 2: Test methods

Standard published on 27.11.2017

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106.10 USD


Entries shown from 10020 to 10030 out of a total of 10936 entries.

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