IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1018

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1018

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 62934-ed.1.0

Grid integration of renewable energy generation - Terms and definitions
(Integration de la production d’energie renouvelable aux reseaux electriques - Termes et definitions)

Standard published on 26.4.2021

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329.00 USD

IEC/TR 62935-ed.1.0

Measurement methods - High dynamic range video

Standard published on 18.7.2016

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105.30 USD

IEC/TR 62936-ed.1.0

Test method development - Guidelines for substance selection

Standard published on 8.11.2016

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105.30 USD

IEC 62938-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Non-uniform snow load testing
(Modules photovoltaiques (PV) - Essais de charges de neige non uniformes)

Standard published on 14.5.2020

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151.30 USD

IEC/TR 62939-1-ed.1.0

Smart grid user interface - Part 1: Interface overview and country perspectives

Standard published on 17.11.2014

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539.50 USD

IEC/TS 62939-2-ed.1.0

Smart grid user interface - Part 2: Architecture and requirements

Standard published on 19.11.2018

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105.30 USD

IEC 62940-ed.1.0

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated communication system (ICS) - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results
(Materiels et systemes de navigation et de radiocommunication maritimes - Systeme de communication integre (ICS) - Exigences de fonctionnement et de performance, methodes d’essai et resultats d’essai exiges)

Standard published on 26.10.2016

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421.10 USD

IEC 62941-ed.1.0

Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Quality system for PV module manufacturing
(Modules photovoltaiques (PV) pour applications terrestres – Systeme de qualite pour la fabrication des modules photovoltaiques)

Standard published on 12.12.2019

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263.20 USD

IEC 62942-ed.1.0

File format for professional transfer and exchange of digital audio data
(Format de fichier pour le transfert et l´echange professionnels de donnees audionumeriques)

Standard published on 12.12.2019

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368.40 USD

IEC 62943-ed.1.0

Visible light beacon system for multimedia applications
(Systeme de balise de lumiere visible pour applications multimedias)

Standard published on 7.3.2017

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204.00 USD


Entries shown from 10170 to 10180 out of a total of 10936 entries.

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