IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1058

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1058

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/TS 63134-ed.1.0/Amd.1 Change

Amendment 1 - Active Assisted Living (AAL) use cases

Change published on 1.12.2022

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54.60 USD

IEC/TS 63134-ed.1.1+Amd.1-CSV

Active Assisted Living (AAL) use cases

Standard published on 1.12.2022

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989.40 USD

IEC 63135-ed.1.0

Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems - Automatic identification systems (AIS) - SAR airborne equipment - Operational and performance requirements, methods of test and required test results
(Materiels et systemes de navigation et de radiocommunication maritimes - Systemes d´identification automatique (AIS) - Equipement aeroporte SAR - Exigences d´exploitation et de fonctionnement, methodes d´essai et resultats d´essai exiges)

Standard published on 23.11.2018

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498.10 USD

IEC 63136-ed.1.0

Electric dishwashers for commercial use - Test methods for measuring the performance
(Lave-vaisselle electriques a usage collectif - Methodes d´essai et de mesure de l´aptitude a la fonction)

Standard published on 19.9.2019

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341.20 USD

IEC 63136-ed.1.0/Cor.1 Correction

Corrigendum 1 - Electric dishwashers for commercial use - Test methods for measuring the performance
(Corrigendum 1 - Lave-vaisselle electriques a usage collectif - Methodes d´essai et de mesure de l´aptitude a la fonction)

Correction published on 9.3.2021

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1.40 USD

IEC 63137-1-ed.1.0

Standard test radio-frequency connectors - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and test methods
(Connecteurs d’essai normalises pour frequences radioelectriques - Partie 1: Specification generique - Exigences generales et methodes d’essai)

Standard published on 16.8.2019

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211.50 USD

IEC 63137-1-ed.1.0/Cor.1 Correction

Corrigendum 1 - Standard test radio-frequency connectors - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and test methods
(Corrigendum 1 - Connecteurs d’essai normalises pour frequences radioelectriques - Partie 1: Specification generique - Exigences generales et methodes d’essai)

Correction published on 28.1.2020

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1.40 USD

IEC 63138-1-ed.1.0

Multi-channel radio frequency connectors - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and test methods
(Connecteurs radiofrequences multicanaux - Partie 1: Specification generique - Exigences generales et methodes d’essai)

Standard published on 12.9.2019

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341.20 USD

IEC 63138-2-ed.2.0

Multi-channel radio-frequency connectors - Part 2: Sectional specification for MQ4 series circular connectors
(Connecteurs radiofrequences multicanaux - Partie 2: Specification intermediaire pour les connecteurs circulaires de serie MQ4)

Standard published on 17.10.2023

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272.90 USD

IEC 63138-2-ed.2.0-RLV

Multi-channel radio-frequency connectors - Part 2: Sectional specification for MQ4 series circular connectors

Standard published on 17.10.2023

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464.00 USD


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