IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1069

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1069

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 63203-402-1-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 402-1: Performance measurement of fitness wearables - Test methods of glove-type motion sensors for measuring finger movements
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 402-1: Mesure des performances des dispositifs prets-a-porter d’activite physique - Methodes d’essai des capteurs de mouvement type gant pour le mesurage des mouvements digitaux)

Standard published on 4.11.2022

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108.90 USD

IEC 63203-402-2-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 402-2: Performance measurement of fitness wearables - Step counting
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter – Partie 402-2: Mesure des performances des dispositifs prets-a-porter d’activite physique – Podometres)

Standard published on 31.1.2024

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156.50 USD

IEC 63203-402-3-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 402-3: Performance measurement of fitness wearables - Test methods for the determination of the accuracy of heart rate
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 402-3: Mesurage de l´aptitude a la fonction des dispositifs prets-a-porter pour les activites de mise en forme - Methodes d´essai pour determiner l´exactitude des mesures de la frequence cardiaque)

Standard published on 9.1.2024

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156.50 USD

IEC 63203-406-1-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 406-1: Test method for measuring surface temperature of wrist-worn wearable electronic devices while in contact with human skin
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 406-1: Methode d’essai pour le mesurage de la temperature de surface des dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter places au poignet au contact de la peau humaine)

Standard published on 16.12.2021

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108.90 USD

IEC 63203-801-1-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 801-1: Smart body area network (SmartBAN) - Enhanced ultra-low power physical layer
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 801-1: Smart body area network (SmartBAN) - Couche physique amelioree a ultra-faible puissance)

Standard published on 4.11.2022

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108.90 USD

IEC 63203-801-2-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 801-2: Smart body area network (SmartBAN) - Low complexity medium access control (MAC) for SmartBAN
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 801-2: Smart body area network (SmartBAN) - Controle d’acces au support (MAC) a faible complexite pour SmartBAN)

Standard published on 4.11.2022

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340.20 USD

IEC 63206-ed.1.0

Industrial-process control systems - Recorders - Testing and performance evaluation
(Systemes de commande de processus industriels – Enregistreurs – Essais et evaluation des performances)

Standard published on 11.12.2024

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340.20 USD

IEC 63207-ed.1.0

Measurement methods of blue light characteristics and related optical performance for visual display terminals
(Methodes de mesure des caracteristiques de la lumiere bleue et des performances optiques associees des terminaux a ecran de visualisation)

Standard published on 28.9.2022

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108.90 USD

IEC/TS 63208-ed.1.0

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Security aspects

Standard published on 25.3.2020

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381.00 USD

IEC/TS 63209-1-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic modules - Extended-stress testing - Part 1: Modules

Standard published on 27.4.2021

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156.50 USD


Entries shown from 10680 to 10690 out of a total of 11046 entries.

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