IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1070

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1070

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/TS 63276-ed.1.0

Guidelines for the hosting capacity evaluation of distribution networks for distributed energy resources

Standard published on 17.9.2024

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262.80 USD

IEC 63277-ed.1.0

Binary power generation systems with capacity less than 100 kW - Performance test methods

Standard published on 10.11.2021

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151.10 USD

IEC 63278-1-ed.1.0

Asset Administration Shell for industrial applications - Part 1: Asset Administration Shell structure
(Enveloppe de Gestion d’Actif pour applications industrielles – Partie 1: Structure de l’Enveloppe de Gestion d’Actif)

Standard published on 14.12.2023

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479.50 USD

IEC/TR 63279-ed.1.0

Derisking photovoltaic modules - Sequential and combined accelerated stress testing

Standard published on 21.8.2020

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420.40 USD

IEC 63281-1-ed.1.0

E-Transporters - Part 1: Terminology and classification
(E-Transporteurs - Terminologie et classification)

Standard published on 17.7.2023

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105.10 USD

IEC 63281-2-1-ed.1.0

E-Transporters - Part 2-1: Safety requirements and test methods for personal e-Transporters
(E-Transporteurs - Partie 2-1: Exigences de securite et methodes d’essai relatives aux e-Transporteurs de personnes)

Standard published on 8.2.2024

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328.40 USD

IEC 63281-3-1-ed.1.0

E-Transporters - Part 3-1: Performance test method for the total run time of an e-scooter with consideration of temperature conditions of actual use
(E-Transporteurs - Partie 3-1: Methode d’essai de performance du temps de fonctionnement total d’une trottinette electrique en prenant en consideration les conditions de temperature correspondant a une utilisation reelle)

Standard published on 12.4.2024

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105.10 USD

IEC 63281-3-2-ed.1.0

E-Transporters - Part 3-2: Performance test methods for mobility of cargo e-Transporters
(e-Transporteurs - Partie 3-2: Methodes d’essai de performances pour la mobilite des e-Transporteurs de marchandises)

Standard published on 8.5.2024

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262.80 USD

IEC/TR 63282-ed.2.0

LVDC systems - Assessment of standard voltages and power quality requirements

Standard published on 7.8.2024

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505.80 USD

IEC/TR 63283-1-ed.1.0

Industrial-process measurement, control and automation - Smart manufacturing - Part 1: Terms and definitions

Standard published on 9.3.2022

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479.50 USD


Entries shown from 10690 to 10700 out of a total of 10934 entries.

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