IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1093

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1093

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 63522-17-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 17: Shock, acceleration and vibration
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 17: Chocs, acceleration et vibrations)

Standard published on 5.12.2024

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109.10 USD

IEC 63522-25-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 25: Magnetic interference
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 25 : Perturbations par les champs magnetiques)

Standard published on 27.2.2025

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54.50 USD

IEC 63522-35-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 35: Resistance to cleaning solvents
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 35: Resistance aux solvants de nettoyage)

Standard published on 27.2.2025

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54.50 USD

IEC 63522-36-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 36: Fire hazard
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesures - Partie 36: Danger d´incendie)

Standard published on 27.2.2025

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54.50 USD

IEC 63522-39-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 39: Insertion and withdrawal force
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 39: Force d´insertion et de retrait)

Standard published on 27.2.2025

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54.50 USD

IEC 63522-48-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 48: Contact failure rate test
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 48 : Essai de taux de defaillance des contacts)

Standard published on 5.12.2024

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272.70 USD

IEC 63522-6-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 6: Contact-circuit resistance or voltage drop
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 6: Resistance (ou chute de tension) du circuit de contact)

Standard published on 27.2.2025

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109.10 USD

IEC 63522-8-ed.1.0

Electrical relays - Tests and measurements - Part 8: Timing
(Relais electriques - Essais et mesurages - Partie 8: Controle des temps)

Standard published on 5.11.2024

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156.80 USD

IEC/TR 63540-ed.1.0

Lighting systems - Characteristics for selected outdoor applications

Standard published on 6.8.2024

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109.10 USD

IEC/TS 63542-ed.1.0

Refrigerant detection systems for flammable refrigerants

Standard published on 13.8.2024

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156.80 USD


Entries shown from 10920 to 10930 out of a total of 11032 entries.

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