IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 17

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 17

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 60034-2-3-ed.2.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-3: Specific test methods for determining losses and efficiency of converter-fed AC motors
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 2-3: Methodes d´essai specifiques pour la determination des pertes et du rendement des moteurs a courant alternatif alimentes par convertisseur)

Standard published on 12.3.2024

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328.40 USD

IEC/TS 60034-20-1-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 20-1: Control motors - Stepping motors
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 20-1: Moteurs de commande - Moteurs pas a pas)

Standard published on 18.1.2002

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328.40 USD

IEC 60034-23-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 23: Repair, overhaul and reclamation
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 23: Reparation, revision et remise en etat)

Standard published on 24.1.2019

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420.40 USD

IEC/TS 60034-24-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 24: Online detection and diagnosis of potential failures at the active parts of rotating electrical machines and of bearing currents - Application guide
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 24: Detection et diagnostic en ligne de defaillances potentielles des parties actives de machines electriques tournantes et de courants de palier - Guide d´application)

Standard published on 16.9.2009

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203.60 USD

IEC/TS 60034-25-ed.4.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 25: AC electrical machines used in power drive systems - Application guide

Standard published on 27.6.2022

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505.80 USD

IEC/TS 60034-25-ed.4.0-CMV

Rotating electrical machines - Part 25: AC electrical machines used in power drive systems - Application guide

Standard published on 27.6.2022

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1 011.60 USD

IEC 60034-26-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 26: Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase cage induction motors
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 26: Effets d´un systeme de tensions desequilibrees sur les caracteristiques de fonctionnement des moteurs a cage asynchrones triphases)

Standard published on 24.7.2006

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52.60 USD

IEC 60034-26-ed.1.0/Cor.1 Correction

Corrigendum 1 - Rotating electrical machines - Part 26: Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase cage induction motors
(Corrigendum 1 - Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 26: Effets d´un systeme de tensions desequilibrees sur les caracteristiques de fonctionnement des moteurs a cage asynchrones triphases)

Correction published on 3.9.2014

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1.30 USD

IEC 60034-27-1-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 27-1: Off-line partial discharge measurements on the winding insulation
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 27-1: Mesurages a l’arret des decharges partielles effectues sur le systeme d´isolation des enroulements)

Standard published on 13.12.2017

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479.50 USD

IEC 60034-27-2-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 27-2: On-line partial discharge measurements on the stator winding insulation
(Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 27-2: Mesurages en fonctionnement des decharges partielles effectues sur le systeme d’isolation)

Standard published on 7.12.2023

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479.50 USD


Entries shown from 160 to 170 out of a total of 10934 entries.

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