TNI - Technical standards information  - Slovak  standards - Page 38

Standards TNI - Technical standards information - Slovak standards - Page 38

TNI is a national document or taken-over technical report (TR) or publically available specification (PAS) of European or international standardization organizations. - A technical informative document which contains technical data or technical solutions not included in valid standards. TNI usually contains certified data from withdrawn standards, whose preservation is useful, or technical requirements that have not got the assumption of “designation” yet to be sold or produced as a standard. They are marked with the abbreviation TNI and a six-digit number which is in accordance with Slovak technical standards sorting (STN). - In the case of taken-over international or European document – the product is taken over from European and international standardization organizations TR and PAS supplementing set of standards and specifications with TNI designation. The labeling of these documents is similar to taken-over standards (TNI/TR and TNI/PAS).

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TNI CLC/TR 50501-1 (342670)

Rolling stock – Intercommunication between vehicles and train/wayside – Part 1: Data dictionary and rules for functional standardisation

Standard published on 1.6.2008

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 50501-2 (342670)

Koľajové vozidlá. Komunikácia medzi vozidlami a medzi vlakom a zariadeniami na trati. Časť 2: Technický obsah normalizácie v oblasti vzájomnej komunikácie (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.12.2012

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 61340-5-2 (346440) WITHDRAWN

Electrostatics.Part 5-2:Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena.User guide

WITHDRAWN published on 1.12.2011

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Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 61340-5-2 (346440) WITHDRAWN

Electrostatics - Part 5-2: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - User guide

WITHDRAWN published on 1.2.2011

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Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 50503 (346704)

Pokyny na inventarizáciu, manažérstvo, dekontamináciu a/alebo likvidáciu elektrických zariadení a izolačných kvapalín obsahujúcich PCB (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.5.2010

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 62125 (347001) WITHDRAWN

Environmental statement specific to TC 20 - Electric cables

WITHDRAWN published on 1.10.2008

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Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 50117-8 (347740)

Koaxiálne káble používané v káblových rozvodných sieťach. Časť 8: Oprava a náhrada poškodených káblov uložených v zemi (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.8.2013

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 62662 (348080)

Návod na výrobu, skúšanie a diagnostiku polymérových izolátorov vzhľadom na krehký lom materiálu jadra (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.2.2012

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 50453 (351100)

Evaluation of electromagnetic fields around power transformers

Standard published on 1.1.2009

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 50462 (351100)

Pravidlá na stanovenie neistoty pri meraní strát výkonových transformátorov a tlmiviek (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.1.2009

We recommend simillar standard:!
TNI CLC/TR 50462 (01.04.2010)
Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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Entries shown from 370 to 380 out of a total of 1183 entries.

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