TNI - Technical standards information  - Slovak  standards - Page 39

Standards TNI - Technical standards information - Slovak standards - Page 39

TNI is a national document or taken-over technical report (TR) or publically available specification (PAS) of European or international standardization organizations. - A technical informative document which contains technical data or technical solutions not included in valid standards. TNI usually contains certified data from withdrawn standards, whose preservation is useful, or technical requirements that have not got the assumption of “designation” yet to be sold or produced as a standard. They are marked with the abbreviation TNI and a six-digit number which is in accordance with Slovak technical standards sorting (STN). - In the case of taken-over international or European document – the product is taken over from European and international standardization organizations TR and PAS supplementing set of standards and specifications with TNI designation. The labeling of these documents is similar to taken-over standards (TNI/TR and TNI/PAS).

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TNI IEC/TR 60146-1-2 (351530) WITHDRAWN

Semiconductors convertors. General requirements and line commutated convertors. Part 1-2: Application guide

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.2001

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TNI CLC/TR 60919-2 (351540)

Prevádzkové vlastnosti vysokonapäťových jednosmerných systémov (HVDC) so sieťovými komutovanými meničmi. Časť 2: Poruchy a spínanie (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.3.2011

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 61800-6 (351720)

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Part 6: Guide for determination of types of load duty and corresponding current ratings

Standard published on 1.2.2009

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 62061-1 (352220) WITHDRAWN

Návod na používanie ISO 13849-1 a IEC 62061 pri návrhu bezpečnostných riadiacich systémov strojov (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

WITHDRAWN published on 1.1.2011

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TNI CLC/TR 62061-1 (01.12.2013)
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TNI CLC/TR 50473 (353411)

Recommendations for dimensional co-ordination between enclosures and built-in devices for rail fixing for household and similar installations

Standard published on 1.1.2009

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC IEC/TR 63201 (354101)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Guidance for the development of embedded software

Standard published on 1.12.2020

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/IEC TR 63216 (354101)

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Electromagnetic compatibility assessment for switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies

Standard published on 1.12.2020

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 62271-208 (354220)

Vysokonapäťové spínacie a riadiace zariadenia. Časť 208: Metódy kvantifikovania ustáleného elektromagnetického poľa sieťovej frekvencie generovaného vysokonapäťovými rozvádzačmi a blokovými transformačnými stanicami vysokého napätia/nízkeho napätia (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.7.2010

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English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC IEC/TR 62271-307 (354220)

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 307: Guidance for the extension of validity of type tests of AC metal and solid-insulation enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV

Standard published on 1.1.2020

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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TNI CLC/TR 50608 (354520)

Projekty smart grid v Európe (Norma na priame používanie ako STN).

Standard published on 1.4.2014

Selected format:
English -
Print design (ON REQUEST)

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Entries shown from 380 to 390 out of a total of 1183 entries.

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