ČSN EN 62132-2 (358798)

Integrated circuits - Measurement of electromagnetic immunity - Part 2: Measurement of radiated immunity - TEM cell and wideband TEM cell method

STANDARD published on 1.9.2011

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price14.50 USD excl. VAT
14.50 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ČSN EN 62132-2
Classification mark: 358798
Catalog number: 88990
Publication date standards: 1.9.2011
SKU: NS-161715
The number of pages: 36
Approximate weight : 108 g (0.24 lbs)
Country: Czech technical standard
Category: Technical standards ČSN

The category - similar standards:

Integrated circuits. MicroelectronicsImmunity

Annotation of standard text ČSN EN 62132-2 (358798):

Tato norma definuje metody měření odolnosti integrovaného obvodu (IC) vůči radiovým kmitočtům (RF). Kmitočtový rozsah této metody je od 150 kHz do 1 GHz, anebo podle kmitočtové charakteristiky TEM článku

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