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IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.
Rotating electrical machinery - Natural graphite brush for slip-ring in wound rotor-type induction motor - Application information
Standard published on 6.9.2016
Selected format:
Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit breakers, RCBOs-RCCBs for household and similar uses
(Exigences pour les dispositifs a refermeture automatique (DRA) pour disjoncteurs, ID et DD, pour usages domestiques et analogues)
Standard published on 13.12.2017
Selected format:Insulating liquids - Quantitative determination of methanol and ethanol in insulating liquids
Standard published on 12.7.2021
Selected format:Submarine power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 60 kV (Um = 72,5 kV) - Test methods and requirements
Standard published on 11.12.2019
Selected format:
Photovoltaic power systems - DC arc detection and interruption
(Systemes photovoltaiques - Detection et interruption d’arc en courant continu)
Standard published on 3.5.2023
Selected format:
Wireless power transfer - Airfuel Alliance resonant baseline system specification (BSS)
(Transfert d´energie sans fil - Specification du systeme de reference (BSS) pour le systeme resonant d´AirFuel Alliance)
Standard published on 19.6.2017
Selected format:
Audio, video multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies - Raster-graphics image-based e-books
(Systemes et equipements multimedias audio et video - Technologies de l´edition electronique multimedia et des livres electroniques - Livres electroniques a images matricielles)
Standard published on 12.7.2017
Selected format:
Corrigendum 1 - Audio, video multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies - Raster-graphics image-based e-books
(Corrigendum 1 - Systemes et equipements multimedias audio et video - Technologies de l´edition electronique multimedia et des livres electroniques - Livres electroniques a images matricielles)
Correction published on 12.1.2018
Selected format:
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic tuneable bandpass filters - Generic specification
(Dispositifs d´interconnexion et composants passifs fibroniques - Filtres fibroniques passe-bande accordables - Specification generique)
Standard published on 24.5.2018
Selected format:
Multimedia systems and equipment for vehicles - Surround view system - Part 1: General
(Systemes et equipements multimedias pour vehicules - Systeme de vision panoramique - Partie 1: Generalites)
Standard published on 7.4.2022
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-12 (Number of items: 2 232 189)
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